Karen's Page

Hi! Welcome to my homepage.

Let me tell you a little about myself.

I had a very fulfilling childhood growing up with my sister and best friend, Genny (even though she says Amy was her best friend). Unfortunately we don't get to see each other as much now that she's living so far away (Manitoba). I am very proud of her for going to school, and having such high goals for herself.

I attended Air Cadets for 7 years, where I retired as Warrant Officer.

Some of my hobbies include playing the Trombone, and the bagpipes. I enjoy taking walks in the forest behind my home. My favorite pass time is spending quality time with Rob, my significant other.

My life long dream has been to become an Air Traffic Controller. Though I am not currently on that road, I plan to attend school within the next five years. I just hope I can handle the responsibilities attached to that career. Time will tell...
I am in the process of applying to be a 'big sister' through the Big Brothers and Big Sisters association. It is a very long and detailed screening process. I know it will be worth it though when I meet that special little child.

I took a mixeolegy course last year at our local College. It was a really fun and challenging class. I recommend it to anyone, even if you are not planning to become a bartender. (I'm not) It's a good place to meet new friends, and try new beverages.

I hope to take a trip to Europe sometime in the future. I've never ventured out of Canada, and I've heard great things about it. I may like it so much that I decide to stay there to live!
Well, now you know much more about me than I do about you. So, if you're planning to become a pilote, maybe I'll talk to you from the tower some day!! (Don't laugh, it may happen.)

Thanks for visiting my page, I hope you found my life interesting so far. I still have several years to fill, so I can't use up all the good stuff in the first 21 years!

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